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Conservation Commission Minutes 2008/11/11

Sunapee Conservation Commission Meeting Dated November 11, 2008
Present: Van Webb, Tim Fleury, Roger Whitaker, Robert Hill, Rem Mastin, Lela Emery
Absent: Bruce Burdett
The four new members have been accepted to the SCC.

Rem Mastin made the motion to remove Roger Whitaker as acting chairman and to reappoint Van Webb as Chairman. Lela Emery as been appointed Secretary and Treasurer. Seconded by Tim Fleury. Approved 5, opposed 0.

Van Webb opened the meeting to the public for the Soule Easement. No public present. The SCC wants to expend $3,750 from the Conservation Commission Fund. The Planning Board submitted the plan to the Select Board they approved the easement and voted in favor of the easement and it has been signed. Public hearing closed. Tim Fleury made the motion to expend $3,750 from the SCC Fund made payable to the Society for the Protection of NH Forests for the Soule Easement. Seconded by Rem Mastin. All in Favor 5, Opposed 0.

Tim Fleury reported on a meeting he attended of Conservation Commission members which was sponsored by ASLPT on creating more outreach and education on a statewide Wildlife Plan. The WLA gets Federal money to identify, conserve, preserve wildlife in the State of NH and is creating a plan to keep species from becoming endangered and to help maintain critical habitats. They are presently looking for three towns in the Kearsarge area. SCC filled out a questionnaire for the cause. We have already incorporated a plan in to our property goals which will also be incorporated in to the Master Plan under the conservation commission section.

New state regulations for Conservation Commission to adopt have been brought to the attention of the SCC. Introduce at town meeting and put on warrant article for the March 2009 vote. If the Select Board does not allow it to be put on then it would need a petition to be placed on the ballot. SCC will set up a meeting with the Select Board separate from the budget hearing to review this new regulation and seek the Select Boards approval. Robert Hill made the motion to have the warrant article for 2009. See attached for the details and wording of the Warrant Article SCC would like to have adopted. Seconded by Rem Mastin. All in favor 5, Opposed 0.

SCC board reviewed the projected proceeds from the change in use tax due to the Town of Sunapee so far for 2008. SCC would receive $25,000 (1/2 the amount collected) in staying with the SCC annual goal of raising $50,000 towards future purchases or projects, SCC would need to ask for $24,700 on a warrant article in March of 2009. SCC members will leave the negotiation open as far as working with a number if support is not given for the full amount requested.

A parking lot is being put in on Ski Tow Hill.

SCC Natural Resource/Future Land Use section has been submitted to the Planning Board.

Van will call Anita Blakeman to attend our December meeting to review Town Forest schedule for 2009.

Roger Landry will be invited to a SCC meeting to discuss wetlands.

No Mail.